this car accident juz happen this evening in front of FOE building. how it was happen? when i ask the driver, he actually left his car and went to the bank. When he want to get back to his car, he found that his car already like what you see in these pictures. He mention that his handbrake not working. Fortunately, nobody was there or else things will become more worst.

the driver. See, he still smile! hahaha

make sure your car are good before you go anywhere or else, this will happen to you!
ikhwan =)
dude, aku rse patut ko blur kn no plate dia la.. kesian la dia..ok
pak arab ke mende?
uih.. nang abis jak tepi kereta ya.. foreigner kah driver nya pok??
maher :
a'ah.. pak arab..
ouk pok, nang foreigner, pak arab.. kenak oh smua nanyk kedak ya.. haha.. muka nya kedak melayu ka??
haha.. ne tauk nya mix kah..
ne ndak suma org nanyak..
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